Che Che Koolay
Che Che Kofinsa
Kofinsa Langa
Ka Ka Shi Langa
Whoops A Lye Lye

Che Che Koolay is a children's song that comes from Ghana.
This is a map of Ghana. Did you notice that Ghana sits on the Atlantic Ocean? What ocean does Onslow County sit on? If you said Atlantic, you are correct! We share the same big ocean!
Notice that Ghana has an Academy of African Music & Arts. An academy is a place you can go to study and learn. This academy specializes in Music! That sounds awesome!

Here is the flag of Ghana. How does it compare to our flag?
What is the same? What is different?
Comment and let me know.
did you get this from yobtob
Shada! I got this from an internet search on Google. Glad you enjoyed it :)
It has stripes
oh I love steel drums I Honestly think its the best instrument in the world
its has stripes and three diffrent colors
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